TII History of the Rebellion in West Java and its Causes
One kind of uprising that gives many people memories of their time is that of TII at West Java. This is because the incident was enough to cause a lot of loss of life. In fact, this incident also happened in a very long time. That’s why a lot of people still remember it today.
Even after the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the people fought even more hard. National heroes face many events that are far earlier than during the time of the Indonesian conflict. Even at that time, the opposition that took place was done by the Indonesian people themselves. The incident happened because the ideology was not in line with the government.
Many groups of individuals are dissatisfied with what the Indonesian government is implementing. So the people themselves had made many rebels stand in their own right, for example, the DITI movement. Where the center itself is in the territorial part of Indonesia, such as West Java.
There are still many places in Indonesia such as Kalimantan, Aceh, or Sulawesi. But in the end, the efforts that were made were also successfully thwarted by the government. The attempt to thwart was successful as the protests by various parties were made quite loudly. Pergerakan It is still widely known by the people.
TII Background in West Java
The Action of Darul Islam of the Indonesian Islamic Army is itself a movement in the political arena that has initiated development in the Tasikalaya region. This protest was actually exposed by the Islamic State ofI.Andonasia. Exactly on August 7 , 1949. This happened a few years after the announcement.
The uprising , led by Cikarmadji’s personality Maridjan Cartosoirjo in TII West Java , was aimed at creating Indonesia to create an Islamic state where in the end nei himself was to be proclaimed. The incident itself happened because Cartosoverjo felt let down by the contents of the Renville Agreement.
It is believed that the content of the treaty itself abuses the dignity of the hero of freedom. The contents of the treaty itself were the Indonesian state that the Dutch forced to leave the West Java region . In fact, as much as thisprotest happened, Cartosoirejo was already a politician. So having a lot of political experience is no surprise.
Indonesia’s Sarekta Islam party is also very radical about the religion of Beliau Islam. His thinking was also of hijra politics, in which it should be used under his leadership. TII West Java background connects every branch of Indonesia Agar can fight against a government that doesn’t agree.
This is not going on just because of a similarity of a religious ideology. The leaders and members of the movement werealso instigated by its leader from West Java. This opposition was actually because Cartosoeverjo was dissatisfied with the independence of the Republic of Indonesia which was still overshadowed by the Dutch who wanted to continue to control Indonesia.
Purpose of creating a movement in TII
The PMBrontacken incident at TII West Java was led by Sekarmadji community leader Mridjan Cartosoirjo himself asit was to achieve the goal as per his wish. In fact, as an action, THE TII itself is trying to create a country where Aadhaar in Islam is Sharia. In addition, the country has been liberated by Dutch colonization.
For more details, the purpose of this opposition is to create in itself an Indonesian Islamic state that is recognized by the state . In fact, they also want to be recognized by international law. In addition, this opposition was also created because it wanted to make Indonesia a country that has an Islamic base.
The leader of this action is to make Islamic law so that it becomes the law of the Indonesian state, of course, guided by two things, namely hadith and quran. Not only this, they formed the Islamic State because they wanted to change the laws of the government to make them similar to Islam .
TII The purpose of the formation of the uprising in West Java was because the data rejected the ideology and laws of hadith and Quran. In addition to the presence of these two things, they argue that if theyfollow the other, they are considered infidels. But this is very unfortunate, because the main purpose of this movement was made to fight the Dutch.
But it proved to be radical. As everyone knows, Indonesia has the highest diversity of beliefs. Where it has the 6 largest religions and is also recognized by the state. Therefore, it is not wise to make Islam more special than other religions.
TII Founder of the Rebellion in West Java
The emergence of the DI action was initially because two people were suspected of having an important role in the formation of the action. Joseph Tauziri has a story about the first person. He is said to have been the founder in the early stages of creating a peaceful Islamic movement.
But in the end he also withdrew his support for CartosOi Wirejo to fight the Indonesian state. However, many people know that d.i. The main character for it is Cartosoirzo himself. Born and raised in the Java region, the personality spent almost all her time building a career in West Java.
In fact, he himself is not a native of West Java, but is originally a Central Javanese, who was born in Sepu. The location of the area itself is between Bojonegoro and Ballora. Born on February 7, 1905, the figure was educated in elementary school and her first Menegah using Dutch.
In fact, according to his story, he did not have much knowledge about the religion of Islam and the Arabic language. There was also a course to be able to enter the Dutch East Indies Tabibab School which is located in Surabaya. It was in that area that he met H Omar Sayeed who then became the chairman of PSII.
The DITII West Java movement itself was initially a poor response given by Cartos OiWeirjo and his group about the cancellation of the Renville Agreement . Thisagreement was signed with the agreement of Indonesia and the Netherlands. This is what makes Darul Islam and the members of its army are the TIIs themselves.
Action on the Rebellion in West Java TII
As not many people know, the event in TII West Java is the largest event in the country and is remembered by almost everyone. Even in some places it supports the movement. The aim of which is to be able to create a state that is in accordance with the Islamic religion.
Even the government of the Republic of Indonesia at that time declared its independence and again fought against the Dutch. The government then faced opposition from its own people. Of course, with this, the government is striving for many things so that it can end the movement. The goal is that theintegration of Neg ARA can also be maintained.
In West Java, the operation attempt began peacefully. Where Moh Natsir formed the committee. But the method that was done did not work out. After that, it was pursued again using another method , namely the use of military operations. Finally, In 1962 , Cartosovirjo was arrested in the Mount Slack area.
The action also had to do with the community so that the movement of TII members is limited. to die in relation to the punishment given. In fact , the action in TII West Java is not a loss of life and becomes a major event after independence that you must be aware of.